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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

And why

Polish Gdańsk Bible
Isaiah 42-20
"He can see many things, but he does not understand; his ears are open, but he cannot hear"
Apocalypse II-29
“Who has ears, let him listen to, what the Spirit is saying to the churches.”

you do not understand
although the Old Soul
in you
you do not shake off illusion
and why
the way chosen by it in Heaven
you do not want to follow?

Copyright© dorothy - reproduced with permission.

Thursday, 11 August 2011


Who is the “one male” indicated by Nostradamus?

“The soubriquet which Nostradamus took connects by means of the composition of letters the figure of Christ, Nostradamus and the Son of Man who according to the prophecies will live on Earth in the final times.”

“One of the most puzzling and incomprehensible elements in the whole manuscript are the words: “one male” - in the image no. 67.”

“According to the prophecies – only one man – a male – who is living in the final times on Earth – the Son of God can read the Apocalypse in the correct way which is a kind of a “letter” to the people living in the final times which Jesus passed to John – the Revelation which Jesus received from God already in Heaven, a “letter” of which the first three chapters are directed in the form of a clear message to the Chosen by God.”

“ “One male” - does it mean that on Earth at the time when English will be a dominant language in the world, the Internet will be the main medium for the transmission of information and the image will have a great influence on a living man there will also - at this time - live one male who will be able to read in a correct way the “letter” - the images of Nostradamus - and will be able to pass the information he read to the people living in the XXIst century? ”

Saturday, 7 May 2011


Apocalypse 1-16 (Polish Gdańsk Bible)
"And he had in his right hand seven stars, and from his mouth was coming out a sword on both sides sharp, and his face as the sun, when it is shining brightly."

                                                         Now is the time to wake up
                                                                        It still is

“incomplete knowledge” I have when I persist in illusion unconscious and enslaved
persistently as if in darkness
not being myself
I know my name
but I do not know who I am
now is the time
to wake up
it still is
to shake off everything
to become clean
and then to see
this what was invisible
with illusion as if with a deep fog covered
clean information directly from Heaven
The Sword of the Word
And let it cut off
this what was false in us
this what enslaved us
And hear oneself anew
And see everything anew
And be oneself
And see
And hear
in freedom
in joy

Copyright© dorothy - reproduced with permission.